👋 Hi, I'm

About Me 👨‍💻

I'm a senior at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore. I have a MAJOR interest in Deep Learning. I love to watch anime, movies and different sereis (specially sitcoms :P). Oh, and I also love to draw and read manga! I practice coding on leetcode and I absolutely love to talk about AI and ML, so if you want to talk about it, feel free to contact me!

Experience ✨

Jr. Developer @ Spatial Labs.
SEPTEMBER 2022 — Present

Developed and deployed semantic segmentation project using the EnviroAtlas Dataset using cutting edge Deep Learning techniques. Currently working on a project to detect and classify Forest Damage using DETR object detection model. Tech stack included - PyTorch, Fast.ai, Torchgeo, PyTorch-Lightning, HuggingFace, etc.

Answers Intern @ Educative Inc.
JUNE 2022 — AUGUST 2022

Worked on the vertical of AI and wrote high quality, to-the-point articles with practical implementations. The topics of these articles were related to Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Linear Algebra. Also, I was responsible for reviewing and editing the articles written by other interns.

Education 👨‍🎓

My Work 📚

Most of the work I performed was for the semester projects with my team members. I have also worked on some personal projects. I have listed some of my work below. For more details, you can check out my GitHub profile.

Autograde for CS

An automation tool for checking programming assignments

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Mango disease classifier

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A handwritten expression plotter

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